Camera starts flying away when using mouselook

Hello, after many problems with scripting a First Person mouselook script I decided to just use the logic brick for that part. I have a camera parented to the player (cube). The cube has mouse movement on the x-axis enabled (rotates along the z-axis) and the camera has mouse movement on the y-axis enabled (rotates along its x-axis). The movement of the cube has been scripted with KX_CharacterWrapper.walkDirection.

On youtube and other tuts this mouselook method worked perfectly fine but for me, the camera starts flying away from the cube as if it rotates along a point somewhere. I’ll attach my blend to the post so you can see what I mean. Thanks for any help.apocalypsegame.blend (633 KB)

Check your camera and ensure it is no collision

Changed it but it’s still the same.

Is your camera parented to your cube?

you got 2 things wrong.

  1. the scaling, scale objects in edit mode (tab) or hit alt+a to apply scale.
  2. the parenting, due to the player is out of scale the parenting is out of scale as well.

So how to fix it?

select player, hit alt+s
now select camera, alt+p -> clear parent
now with the camera selected hold shift select the cube and ctrl+p -> parent to object.

using a mouselook in python:

import bge

speed = 8
ratio = (1080/1920) # this can be found from render module

RAW_X, RAW_Y = bge.logic.mouse.position

msX = (0.5-RAW_X)*speed
msY = (0.5-RAW_Y)*speed*ratio # scale the y axis to the screen aspect

## Look Around ##
PlayerOBJ.applyMovement((0, 0, msX), True)
CameraOBJ.applyMovement((msY, 0, 0), True)

## Center the Cursor ##
bge.logic.mouse.position = (0.5, 0.5)