Smart, dynamic, geometry-based texturing for Cycles; Possible or Practical?

What I mean is Cycles getting a new mode for some of its procedural textures, one that allows the features of the geometry to affect the results and allow for things like perfect mapping with the bricks node (so you could have an outer layer that follows mesh edges if the mesh is not a volume).

The reason I bring this up is that I found a nifty video of a plugin for Maya that smartly wraps a brick pattern around any object regardless of the shape.

I at first thought it would be cool if someone created something similar to Blender, but with Cycles having microdisplacement now, I figured it would be far better to do something like this non-destructively (and that’s where the smart texture idea comes in).

Alternatively, Cycles could also have something like a smart coordinate type based on the features of the mesh, which would allow for things such as having a pattern that follows edges and sharp corners (surrounding areas containing a second texture with standard mapping).

So the question would be, would it be possible or practical for Cycles to have something like this, because in my opinion, there are areas like the modeling of buildings and the grounds around it that would really benefit?

It could be done to some (limited) extend…
Most of the calculations must be done prior to render, but OpenVDB could be usefull to incorporate the results into Cycles.
My doubts are a bit more related to have this working with GPUs… For example, OSL is quite capable to do stuff like this, in conjuction with python. (I’ve done similar stuff using those, but render times were huge with OSL, so I just used python for creating image textures instead.)