PBR Shader with cycles

Hi, everyone.
I’m currently trying to create a math based shader in cycles, and I was wondering if any of you guys has some nice tutorial to help me out?

Nicolas D’Hondt

Search for CynicatPro on Youtube or check out cgCodys threads linked below. That should give you a decent start.

Might also be interesting:

Thanks a lot. It’s actually CynicatPro’s video on PBR shader that makes me want to create a fully math based shader.

If you are really thinking about going crazy on maths and physics you should hav ea look at the disney paper :wink:

Well I started to get interested in it not so long ago but I will make sure to read it.

MasterShader.blend (950 KB)
So here is my first go for this shader. Please let me know what you are thinking about. You can’t set the ior because I set it up with an rgb curve.