Render is dark

I’m not sure what I am doing wrong but my render is dark. Do I need to edit some lighting settings or something?



Is it very dark or solid black? Also a picture would probably help:)
If your render is just dark you might need to edit the lighting, material or the render settings.

Its like its in a dim room. I can see the image fine, its just like no light is on it. I think someone said before I should alter the lighting under World or something?

There are two ways. The first would be to make your lights brighter. Select a light, then go to the light settings tab. Click “Use Nodes” and then it’ll add another option under the color that gives you the ability to change the strength to make it brighter.

Otherwise you can go to the scene tab and change the setting under Film that says Exposure. Crank that up and it’ll affect all of the lights in the scene, including any environment maps.

I put exposure up to 10 and that helped! I think I need to watch some YouTube videos on lighting and camera.

If you need 10 exposure something sounds off. Make sure you work in real units, that your room is like 5m by 5m instead of 50m by 50m. You can check your line lengths like this while in edit edge mode.

A standard lamp is pretty dim. Go to the lamp panel shown and hit “Use Nodes”. The light strength setting will show up underneath it. Sun lights are usually ok around 1-5. But Point lights commonly need to be cranked up in the hundreds, depending on how far away they are.