Does Python in Blender allow parallel actions?

I’m creating a human baby AI in Blender, and am going to have Python randomly generate numbers, but then I want to have ALL of the ex. 30 body motors simultaneously move. I absolutely cannot have Python wait for each motor to finish, simply put, this is crucial.

Try bge and checkout non pid ragdoll in google

“bge non pid ragdoll”

Gameloop = logic step/render/physics step loop

I absolutely don’t understand what you said…

You can simulate in the bge*

You can check “record” in game settings, rigid body objects position saves after you quit the ge.

Aka realtime physics simulations

I’m creating a massive neural network that requires massive parallelism on a GPU, will python in Blender allow me to do this?

your AI would access blender data over a network socket, unless you can get the py-package to run inside blender

lookup ‘using external libs in blender’

if you want to train AI - I would suggest looking into PyBullet and the openAI gym.