Not sure a how to model this basic shape, how to do 90 straight angles & consistency?

I am trying to model the front part of the object in this image:

After some: loop cut and slide, extrude, copy pasting, messing with edges and vertices…

So now you know what I mean by the front part, of that object. If you look closely in the Blender image you can see that it is very un-aligned. And there is a block where there shouldn’t be, circled, what a waste of polygons. That’s there because I used the loop cut and slide to try and add the part on the side. And another bad thing is that the widths of it wasn’t equal, to the block above it. And when I tried to extrude the part that I used loop cut for, it extruded at a slight angle because the part I cut it from is slightly sloped. Couldn’t figure out how to just extrude it to go down, not perpendicular to where it was cut from!

Like I said I want, nice 90 degree angles (except for the top part, which should be slanted), and consistent thickness. It’s very sloppy but… I don’t know what tools I should be using to make everything nice and consistent instead of the mess it is now.


There are various tools that might be handy. In the “n” panel (in viewport press N to bring it up) there are buttons to show angles and length of each edge/face in viewport. That’s useful for adjusting things once you got them wrong.

To not get them wrong in first place you can set offsets while manipulating the mesh. For example if you want to extrude a face exactly by 0.1 unit on the x-axis jus press E, X, 0.1. Some goes for example for rotating (R, Axis, Units) or translating (G, Axis, Units)

And on a quick note: depending on the use of the model the corner in the red circle might actually be better since it is avoiding n-gons.

I know you can see angles and lengths normally but is there a way to see it when you are doing a loop cut and slide? I can’t seem to find a way to do a loop cut and slide, and get the thickness/width of the cut part exactly how I want it, other than trying over and over again and settling with, close enough.

Can’t check yet but don’t you see es when enabled during sliding? If not you can just place the cut in the middle and do an edge slide afterwards which should display the edge length during sliding

Theres so many ways… one quick method:

  • Start with a cube.
  • keep only top, right and lower face…
  • set the shape ( scale edges with s+z) or if you want to keep the under part straight ( 90° angle ), just move the upper one.

-add a solidify modifer with “even thickness” checked , ( Apply the solidify modifer if needed for correct the shape later or let it there)

  • use a mirror modifier then.

( edit: sorry first image and second are inverted )
