The Exact way to Bake Normal Maps of a High Poly Mesh to Low Poly UV ?

I keep getting the error of no image or object found to bake image to, Sometimes it works and sometimes not, What I basically do is:

1 - Create a new image in UV Editor.
2 - Go back to Object mode and Select the Low Poly mesh then I go to Edit Mode and UV Unwrap it.
3 - Go back to Object Mode then deselect everything and Select High Poly mesh, Hold LShift then Select Low Poly mesh.
4 - Click “Bake”

Yet I keep getting this error, I don’t know ecactly how I got it to work last time, It’s so confusing, little help ?

you have to assign the image to the low poly material. in cycles, just add it as an image texture and drop it into the normal input with a [normal map] node in between.

How do i do that, I know I sound dumb because i’m fairly new to blender, but i looked everywhere and I couldn’t find the proper way to do that.

dmg, this answer to a question, similar to yours, is a concise guide to setting up baking in Cycles. Just bake the normal instead of Combined map.

And don’t feel bad, Blender’s baking paradigm for image output needs work.