Textures from down scaling good or bad?

Is creating a texture lets say 2048x2048 and after your done down scaling the image size to 1024x1024 a bad idea?
Im sure it will lose detail but is it such a loss that it is just better to creat the whole thing in 1024?

A mathematically created checker pattern can produce a completely sharp pattern, whereas downscaling it will introduce smoothing or sharpening artifacts (depending on scaling algorithm). If doing nearest neighbor scaling this can sometimes be avoided, but may not produce acceptable results.

Personally I’m never in the area where this sort of texture quality matters, but I also use a lot of procedurals - not only for texture pattern generation, but also for mixing/bombing of image based textures. With that in mind, maybe you’re better of getting advice from someone else in this case :slight_smile:

Lmao, well I appreciate the input anyway.

it’s better to keep the 2048^2 files or even better for any eventuality. Downsizing some texture will loose detail, but if that detail is not needed (i.e. object too small in the shot), you won’t have any problem.

On the other hand, you have the small texture, but the client says he wants another plan with a close up… You’ll have to recreate the texture again. So try to have the original texture in the best resolution possible, and downsize it to the essential for each shot, to keep memory usage low.

Downsampling will obviously lead to loss of detail, so I would only do it if absolutely necessary. On the other hand it can reduce noise in an image.