Micropolygon displacement and panoramic camera rendering

Does someone know, what are the development plans regarding correct micropolygon displacement and adaptive subdivision with panoramic cameras? At the moment it does not seem to work, at least in my 2.78a version. Most probably because it is more difficult to generate micropolygons for such views. I’m especially interested in equirectangular (+stereo) view.

EDIT: after testing some more it seems to work a bit, but I have to lower the dicing rate by at least a factor of 10 to get any reasonable dicing and there are strong artifacts, as if mesh is cut into different large pieces that are displaced independently.

Since micropolygon displacement is still an ‘Experimental’ feature, you cannot expect it to be perfect. It is there for testing purposes.
There are still some things that are going to change, which means that files with stuff that uses it now, will probably break in future versions.

I know that everybody is really thrilled by it, but we need to have a little more patience.