Blender Hydra Fork

I would like to fork UPBGE and I need a mentor

I don’t know C, and would like to learn by having a bit of hand holding

(I learn best by solving real problems)

What is blender Hydra?

A system to make the game engine use BPY commands easily inside the bge, and for the bge to write .blend files,

I am thinking compiled commands inside the game engine, made of blender parts (the stuff bpy calls)
could make the game engine the most flexible / powerful game engine ever, and also opens the engine up to become a real editor like blender.

Later I would like to incorporate blender Verse and VIVE controllers.

Why would one need blender hydra?

This is the longterm goal

A ‘Teacher’ and understudies are inside a game level
the teacher is busy coding his own work, but has an avatar inside the game engine, and his screen is shared as a plane.

students have similar capability (have a workplane open in engine that is their own desktop outside the app)

this allows you to have a API open inside a engine and code inside the engine*

next we need the ability to take logic edits / python edits -> send them to blender-> pop back the edited object into the game using libload -> free the old object data

Now we can teach coding the engine inside the engine.

Next up with vive support we can use KDTREE, and BVHTREE stuctures to accelerate in game modeling tools, and texturing tools, edited meshes can be written back to .blend for export or to use in other projects etc.

So we can model, code, and teach, and screenshare and chat in 1 application,

So Hydra supports Education, Cooperation, and a never before seen level of Wysiwyg

it is good for developers - socially, and economically to be able to collaborate in 3d virtual space*
(and a variety of input devices will be supported)

side note - hydra could be used also for games* themselves (like hosting your own MMORPG or MUD etc)

it could also just be used a “UBER IRC”