Issue with reinstancePhysicsMesh()

here is the blend with the issue:

I am trying to do what BPR did with his sculptable procedural terrain and I have been successful with the procedural but I have issues with the reinstancing of the physics. Take a look at the code and see if you can figure it out.

are you using UPBGE?

vanilla bge is missing bge.types.KX_GameObject.reinstancePhysiscsMesh() is missing the 3rd arugment

No im using regular blender 2.78a

yeah UPBGE reinstancePhysicsMesh() has the ability to assign a unique new physics mesh per object*

checkout the upbge api

0.1.5 is really really nice for me so far.

That’s becouse it works for you. I’ll be stuck with 0.1.0 forever thanks to my GPU.

That’s why, I started making my own game engine, it’s not as hard as I thaught, in fact using BGL and BLF is pretty much just as hard. I inteend it to be a really light-wight (<4mb), flexible, non-bloated, non-api-hidding, non-free, non-ever-finished game engine. Writed in C++ with a C wrapper so that it can have Python(BGE-Compatible)&Lua bindings.

(or you could get a gpu from this decade*)

That sounds like the dead project gakekit ->
You could use Ogre3d to save you time with shading, link->

Ok yeah I did it in upbge and it works fine.

It’s an HD Readon 5500, launched in February 2010, it is from this decade.

In any case the crash in not due my graphics card being too old, but becouse some of the gemotry instancing code on UPBGE is bugged. More acuratelly it has to do with a commit that introduced a “fix” for old GPUs but resulted in making mine crash. Though that fix would work fine if it weren’t for a bug on the system used to detect cards opengl version. In any case, it’s hard to fix and worse to debug so it’s not going to get fixed anytime soon.

Ogre is too big. My engine is supossed to not get over 4MB, right now it’s about 2, I don’t have much room left.

Do you have an external gpu slot?

If not, you may want to try and upgrade to a pc or notebook with a dedicated nvidia gpu.

My alienware alpha is a beast for how cheap, durable, and portable it is.

It’s a few years old and still runs AAA titles (not maxed or anything)

My cpu, ram, and HD can all still be updated*

Accidentally overposted