Deforming to a skewif oval?

Hello there,

Small question - is deforming a shape to an oval curve possible? Or are there other options I should be looking at?
The idea is to fit the object in the centre there to the oval surrounding it so the outer edges of said object meet the curve.

I understand at least a little about NURBs deformation but not enough to get this sorted.
There was a series of GIF’s floating around here that I know would’ve helped but I can’t find them for the life of me.

Any advice would be brilliant
File attached below:


Dome deform question.blend (1.28 MB)

I don’t know if I understood your question at all but my guess would be that you want the object to follow the curvature of the spline while still maintaining it’s overall shape? That could be done with lattice.

Here, I’ve posted an example for you how it should be done, you’re going to have to tweak it yourself.


You could convert the curve to a mesh (ALT+C => Mesh from Curve) then join this to the mesh and delete the outside edge loop, then select both the new outside loop and the added one from the curve and key W => “Bridge edge loops”, provided both have the same number of vertices. If they don’t you could always adjust the number in the curve with a Decimate mod and change the values until you get the right number of vertices - it’s a bit of a clunky method but might get you out of the hole… I tried shrinkwrap, but you cannot shrinkwrap to a curve and if you convert the curve to a mesh then shrink-wrap the fit was not perfect.

Cheers, Clock.


The other option is to make the “Curve” as a mesh, with a Sub-surf to get the right number of vertices and shape, then Apply the Sub-surf Mod - then do the above…

That was exactly the start I was looking for! Thank you, kind sir.

Thanks mate, that would of course been my fall back - needed to learn how to do something I wasn’t already aware of though.