ray_cast bug in Blender 2.77+

I just found out there is a real bug in ray_cast.
Blender updated ray_cast in version 2.77, where it starts to return 4 values instead of 3. Since then there is a bug it seems. I am checking whether 2 objects interfere with coDEmanX’s great script from here: http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/9073/how-to-check-if-two-meshes-intersect-in-python

It works very nicely until Blender 2.76. I wanted to port our code to 2.78 and detected the intersection-checking code does not work anymore. ray_cast is causing the trouble.

I am using:

obj1 = bpy.data.objects['Cylinder.6403']

obj2 = bpy.data.objects['Cylinder']

intersect = bmesh_check_intersect_objects(obj1, obj2)

if(intersect != 0):
 print(obj1, ' intersects ', obj2)

on the 2 geos in the attached ray_cast_error.blend. When I move the geos around, I sometimes get correct intereference results, and sometimes not. If you test with the default positions in the file, and Blender 2.77+, then the result is incorrect (it says the 2 geos collide, where in fact they are not).

Here I call ray_cast with 3 / 4 return values depending on the Blender version:

<b>  if ((bpy.app.version[0] == 2) and (bpy.app.version[1] &lt; 77)):

   #Return (location, normal, index):
   location, normal, index = ray_cast(co_1, co_2)
   #Return (result, location, normal, index):
   result, location, normal, index = ray_cast(co_1, co_2)


ray_cast_error.blend (481 KB)


New object and scene raycast functions also takes “origin vector” and “direction normal” as inputs.
Not “start” and “end” vectors like old versions.

<b>ray_cast(co_1, co_2 - co_1)  </b># second vector to normal (assume mathutils.Vector)

Thank you!!

Wow, I just tried it, in Blender 2.78, and it does not work???

This is the “check_intersect” code I am using:

<b>def bmesh_check_intersect_objects(obj, obj2):
 #Check if any faces intersect with the other object
 myresult = -1
 #  returns a boolean
 assert(obj != obj2)
 # Triangulate
 bm = bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, transform=True, triangulate=True)
 bm2 = bmesh_copy_from_object(obj2, transform=True, triangulate=True)
 # If bm has more edges, use bm2 instead for looping over its edges
 # (so we cast less rays from the simpler object to the more complex object)
 #if len(bm.edges) &gt; len(bm2.edges):
 #bm2, bm = bm, bm2
 # Create a real mesh (lame!)
 scene = bpy.context.scene
 me_tmp = bpy.data.meshes.new(name="~temp~")
 obj_tmp = bpy.data.objects.new(name=me_tmp.name, object_data=me_tmp)
 ray_cast = obj_tmp.ray_cast
 intersect = False
 EPS_NORMAL = 0.000001
 EPS_CENTER = 0.01  # should always be bigger
 #for ed in me_tmp.edges:
 for ed in bm.edges:
  v1, v2 = ed.verts
  # setup the edge with an offset
  co_1 = v1.co.copy()
  co_2 = v2.co.copy()
  co_mid = (co_1 + co_2) * 0.5
  no_mid = (v1.normal + v2.normal).normalized() * EPS_NORMAL
  co_1 = co_1.lerp(co_mid, EPS_CENTER) + no_mid
  co_2 = co_2.lerp(co_mid, EPS_CENTER) + no_mid
  if ((bpy.app.version[0] == 2) and (bpy.app.version[1] &lt; 77)):
   #Return (location, normal, index):
   location, normal, index = ray_cast(co_1, co_2)
   if index != -1:
    myresult = 1
   #Return (result, location, normal, index):
   #not yet tested, but should be ok:
   result = ray_cast(co_1, co_2 - co_1)  
   # second vector to normal (assume mathutils.Vector)
   #2.78: result, location, normal, index, object, matrix = ray_cast(<i>origin</i>, <i>direction</i>, <i>distance=1.70141e+38</i>)
   print (result)
   print (location)
   print (index)
   if result != -1:
    myresult = 1
  if myresult != -1:
   intersect = True
 return intersect
#END def

Here different way to do this:

import bpy
import bmesh
from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree

b = bpy.data.objects

bm1, bm2 = bmesh.new(), bmesh.new()


bmesh.ops.transform(bm1, matrix=b[0].matrix_world, space=b[0].matrix_world, verts=bm1.verts)
bmesh.ops.transform(bm2, matrix=b[1].matrix_world, space=b[1].matrix_world, verts=bm2.verts)  

T1 = BVHTree.FromBMesh(bm1)
T2 = BVHTree.FromBMesh(bm2)
if T1.overlap(T2):
    out = True
    out = False


Just change b[0] and b[1] to your objects.

WOW, that’s working, MANY THANKS!!! You are great.

And it’s many times faster than the previous method :slight_smile: