It helps to teach math

En nuestro proyecto de enseñanza de matematicas para adolescentes (12 a 15 años) , podemos incluir tus animaciones para hacerlo más interesante. Nuestro proyecto inicialmente es gratis, pero más adelante esperamos cobrar una cuota simbolica. la cual podemos compartir contigo (no esperes mucho dinero) visita nuestra página
In our project of teaching of mathematics for kids, we can include your animations to make it more interesting. Our project is initially free, but later we hope to collect a symbolic fee. which we can share with you (don’t expect much money)

Visit our web

how could I participate?

Greetings from Germany,

Hello, you can participate with your animations.

You can help me with the animation of an irrigation cannon, throwing water. It must be on a Cartesian plane, at the origin must have height 2 units on the vertical axis “y” on the horizontal axis “x” ten units. Until there must be the water jet there. Thanks