Blender not working with any mouse - no rotate view, select verts, anything


I’ve had this issue since March 17.

I’m using Blender 2.78c on a Windows 7 OS. I have a Logitech mouse. Graphics card: AMD Radeon R9 390 Series. It’s up to date on drivers.

Blender was working fine one minute and then suddenly stopped working. I was using the Screw modifier when everything stopped working. I didn’t mess with any settings for the mouse or for Blender. It simply stopped working as it should.

I used to be able to click and drag (LMB) to rotate the view. The LMB/scroll wheel worked fine for zooming. RMB worked fine as well. Now nothing happens when I click with any of the buttons, apart from zooming in and out with the scroll wheel in object mode. Nor can I move the view in the UV edit window (I was previously able to LMB and drag the view around).

When in edit mode, I can no longer hit CTRL LMB to select an edge of vertices. I can sort of click on one vert at a time and holding down shift, select verts, but not always.

I have tried hitting the manipulate points button in object mode. I have tried setting “emulate 3 button mouse” in user preferences. I’ve tried resetting factory settings. I’ve also uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times. I’ve tried the regular installation, and I’ve also tried just opening it from the .zip file. Oh and I’ve tried a different mouse as well.

Nothing is working. The program is completely unusable.

Is there anything I can do to fix this?


I’m a bit tired of reinstalling this thing.

Why do you start a new thread when this is clearly the same issue as here?

Other than that: Not sure what to say.
If you look around these forums, you won’t find any other thread regarding that issue. So, this can’t be some general problem with Blender, but has to be something specific to your machine only. If so, other than yourself there is nobody able to troubleshoot this…

Not the default behaviour. Middle mouse is the default for rotating the view, alt+left mouse when emulate 3-button mouse is enabled, which acts like middle mouse.

Blender uses whatever is available to it. Usually it’s either a driver or driver setting problem when people ask about these, with an occasional hardware problem.

Windows update messing up drivers is not unheard of either.

“But it works with everything else” won’t be useful information.

Yeah, I already told him in that other thread, yet here we are again. Still asking myself if this really is a technical issue or false expectations of the OP about how Blender is supposed to work…:confused:

Same problem with Logitech mouse. Solution, in SetPoint set Wheel to Other then Middle Mouse Button.
Then I updated the logitech driver it reset the wheel to zoom from middle mouse button.