Witcher Inspired Tavern

I have been using blender for around a year now , and this is one of my first serious pieces of work . I have spent about 2 weeks on it tuning and changing it to my desire and have come to the stage where personally i do not know what to improve or change since i am only beginning in my 3D model career . Therefore i would like some input from some experienced people that can give some good , hard criticism on my work to bring it up to a whole new level. This scene was inspired by me playing the witcher series , in the witcher 3 you enter all types of taverns , and see and feel the atmosphere in the scene . In total i am looking for ways to improve and improve the realism and atmosphere of my work to better portray a tavern scene. I look forward to hearing the criticism


The image is very dark and low contrast. Torches don’t look like torches for me - I feel like there are lightbulbs not fire. Fire makes sparkles, it is very dynamic etc. I think models should be more detailed. The floor is OK but tables, benches, walls, torches look very simple and unrealistic. Barrel model is very nice but I can se flat shading on metal parts so I suggest fixing that. Small props on tables are fine. Last thing - it is too clean. Make it messy - overturned cups, spilled beer, scattered cards, food leftovers, broken bench. It’s a tavern not a restaurant right?
There is a lot of work to do but this is a great foundation for awesome image.
You can find insane concept arts from CD Project RED just use them as references.

Thank you for your advice , i have already started implementing your advice and improving.

I would love to see this updated; just started playing Withcer 3 and this scene comes pretty close to capturing it. @Luki251 did a great critique.

Maybe you could use atmospheric lighting for a smoky/ stuffy atmosphere
Here’s a link:

Also looking forward to the update