How to run animation in BGE via Game logic


I’m new in Blender and got stuck at one point.
So, I have head model with armature and I did keyframe animation.
Now, I’m trying to play it via BGE Game Logic.
I added keyboard sensor, AND controller and action actuator with my selected animation, also I put right start/end keyframe.
Now if I will start Engine and press keyboard nothing will happens. Can someone tell me what I’m missing?

PS. Game logic part is working correctly because I checked it separately, so the problem is with animation, may be I forgot check/uncheck something?

Make sure you don’t have any modifiers not applied except armature modifier

Are you animating objects an armature is targeting, or are you animating bones?

If you are use external objects for copy rot, ik etc, they need their own animation control and you need
Always------and--------RunArmature in armature

Make sure you don’t have any modifiers not applied except armature modifier

just make sure that the armatue modifier is on top of all other modifiers.

Yeah, but modifiers are expensive

not the armature modifier, its pretty easy going. its the only way to get armatures in the bge.

Thanks to everyone, but I’m still in trouble with running animation. I have tried to re-parent mesh with armature, also I tried always->run, but still no luck. I did another test and exported from MakeHuman to Blender new model, added animation, but still it doesn’t want to play in BGE.

Below is hierarchy of my first model, is there something wrong?

look at the properties panel.
place the armature on top, as i see your screenshot your subsurf is first, armature second.


make a basic blend that shows the issue and share it. that way we dont have to play the guessing game.

he already did - subdivision should be below armature modifier.

(actually it should be applied as it costs to run that per frame I think*)

either im crazy blind, or my phone isnt showing any links…

make sure the object slot in the armature modifier is populated. also, check the mesh object properties, under relations, that the parent mode is Object. if it already is, click it again, this resets the coordinates. he did not, a screenshot that’s all.

(2.) only when the model is totally done, else don’t apply it.

I apply the subdivision on a copy and hand decimate down to low poly and bake normals across or I use sudvision/cage model, and the model without subD is the low poly,

But you didn’t share that info before ;),anyway that is also a good way, i’m just a fan of the modifier, always on it, you can just set the view to 0 to turn it of though, so you don’t need copies.