Camera view bordered weight paint for particles (Culling)

Hi there,

I remember watching a video tutorial for painting weight with objects. But I can’t find it.
Can anyone pls explain the steps to paint the camera angles (visible cameraview) onto a plane. (I think its also known as culling, but this feature is not yet implemented in Blender is it?)
Like in the picture below?

I would like to limit the particle count of grass to the camera view.
Thank you very much.

Sounds like you want Dynamic Paint.

I haven’t used it to do what you’re suggesting, but I concerned that it might have odd effects. If you’re using it to define a vertex group for particle Density, and you intend to animate the camera, I think the grass might jump around as the density group changes.

At about 15:00 in this video, Gleb talks about a method for culling micro-displacement that’s out of view. Like before, I haven’t worked through it myself, but it might give you inspiration.

thx alot for the tipp for “dynamic paint” SkpFX, thats the tutorial I was looking for.
Have a nice day.