how to use existing bezier curve in mask node

I have an existing bezier curve that I would like to use as a mask, but I can’t figure out how to get it into the mask node. I opened the image editor in make mode, but I can’t figure out how to get my existing bezier curve into it and from there to the mask node. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

If existing bezier curve means you have one in the 3D scene, that’s not available as a mask curve in other editors. Objects can be rendered with transparent background and use the alpha as a grayscale mask. They can also mask other objects as a mask layer in render layer properties, or with Cycles holdout shader.

Thanks JA12. I was afraid of that. That means I can’t make a “mask” in Illustrator, import it as SVG and use it in the mask node, right? :frowning:

Not in the mask node, no. But could still use one in a very similar way, just would have to render it and use it through render layer node or as a pre-rendered image/sequence instead of mask node.

Thanks, I’ll try that.