Quick Rigging Tutor :-)

Hello, whoever is reading.

This is going to be a bit much to ask, but can somebody be my teacher for this issue at hand?

The rig linked with the post has certain bones that, when moved, affect vertices that aren’t even connected by weight painting.

I know this is a fairly simple solution since I have seen others with the same issue online, however, none of those people really had an answer given. That said, my question is, why does this happen? As well, how do I fix it?
If possible, could you also explain the logic behind why this happens? Pretend you’re teaching me, it would be vastly appreciated.

Thank you for reading,
have a good one.


HalpGuys.blend (5.68 MB)

Bear something in mind. Although there’s nothing to prevent you using it in that way, the metarig was designed for generating a more advanced version, with a range of controls and options.

There’s nothing particularly strange going on there. You just have some parts of the mesh not weighted to the relevant bones. Like the head/neck, the right arm and the left foot. One of the verts of the left foot has been assigned to the right foot.

While in weight paint mode, switch on vertex masking. It’s the small icon between the chequered cube and the layer buttons. It looks like a cube with an orange dot on it. Then go to the mesh data button and bring up the vertex group section. If you select foot.r, you’ll see there’s one vertex that has been included in that group. If you select that single vertex, you can remove it from that group, by hitting the “remove” button. Just make sure that you have “foot.r” selected when you do this.


Wow, so this issue was really really that simple.
Thank you so much for taking the time to actually download the file and give a detailed response, people like you are the reason Blender has a fantastic reputation.

Problem solved, thank you again.