Error/ info messages popup wont appear while using maya keyconfig


I am following a tutorial where there is message popping up on info header on 2.78. I have the same version, but don´t know how to get this to work. So i always have to pull down a little on the info panel so i can see error or info. messages.

Here is how it looks on my comp.

This is what i want to achieve.

Is it an addon or a setting i just overlook everytime ? :slight_smile:

AFAIK those messages in the header bar should pop up by default: The info area appears and then vanishes a few seconds later. Are you sure you don’t just miss them in the heat of following the tutorial?

Really ? Thats strange. I started using blender from 2.76 and thought that it was in older versions and you say it should work by default. For me it didn´t work since i started using blender. So i couldn´t miss it. Also tried to replicate it and no popup appeared.

I just came with a dumb idea, and it turns to be smart idea :slight_smile: I am using maya input setup and tried to switch it to blender and voila… tha message bar appeared. Now the question is… how can i get it to work on maya input setup ?

To be exact: It is maya/blender keyconfig in the input tab.


Found a solution by myself with a little config investigation.

When using maya preset keyconfig - error/info message popup doesnt appear

Go to UserPreferences - INPUT tab
Find UPDATE REPORTS DISPLAY and change type of event from TIMER to TIMER REPORT. (This is incorrectly set for maya keyconfig option)

Now when errors occurs, message popup appears.

Thanks guys i was having this problem and i didnt have a clue what to do. IM SO SURPRISED that basically nobody experiment this problem.