Most efficient type technique

Hey, i really need to know the most efficient techniques i can use to model the following images. They were all created using cinema 4d and i cant find many relevant typographical tutorials for Blender.


First off, I would not think of it as typography. All three examples need to be modeled, probably with 3D curves as the basis. If you’ve got a font to use, to setup the basic profile, then fine, but it will need to be modeled, manually to bring it into 3D. Blender doesn’t have a library of text effects like many applications do.

If you got an application that does what you like, look for export options to get the 3D model over to blender. Or render orthographic views to use as viewport image references in blender.

I haven’t approached a project such as this. Just speaking about how I might approach it. If anyone has better direction than that, please offer it up.

Your right, i intend to approach it as a 3d ‘model’. I wasnt intending on using fonts at all. I was wondering if there were certain tools that could make this process fast and efficient.

Curve draw with a graphics tablet

Could make a curved surface to write on and have the handles separated a bit before editing the curve.

Thats great thanks, what would be the best tool for the 3rd image.

Still the ever-useful beziers for starters. But instead of the bevel, it’s extrude to have it flat. And perhaps followed by solidify modifier. And not forgetting Ctrl-T for twist, and Alt-S for size (point radius). Then there’s active spline settings for tilt and radius which need adjustment. For starting out I’d suggest just doing it top-down as 2D to get the handles sorted there before switching back to tweak depth on everything. Otherwise it’s possible for stuff to be all over the place in ways you might not expect. The trickiest part is to keep it from bunching, so sometimes you have to fix that after converting to mesh. Also you can turn on the object wires to get an idea what’s going on mesh-wise and that may help if you need to adjust the U resolution setting.