Blender Givaway 5*20$ [Entries closed]

Hey there :slight_smile:
I just released my first product on the Blender Market. And to celebrate and thank the amazing blender community, especially on blenderartists, that helped me so much the past years. I decided to give away 5 copies of my product.

My product is a pack of 5 3D scanned rocks:

If you are interested in participating: Please leaf a comment below this post. One weak from now (15.04.2017) I am going to pick 5 random winners.

Good luck to everybody :smiley:


Here is my entry :slight_smile:

well as i love rock :slight_smile:

My entry:

I almost correct the typo but your comments are too funny to change something, so I am going to leaf it. :wink:

Leaf wins against stone.

Very nice rocks.

My entry :slight_smile:

Entries closed!

Thanks you for participating :slight_smile: the winners will be announced shortly.

The winners are:
Everyone :wink: I know I said there are only 5 prices to win and there were 6 entries. But it was so close, that I decided: I am going to give away 6 copies.
So congratulations everyone :smiley:

I am going to write you a PM with more informations.

Nice. Thanks.