Buttons on cloth simulation


I have a little problem. I am trying to do buttons on a shirt, who has cloth simulation on it. The problem is that the buttons are loose objects, they fall off the cloth. The buttons need to follow the cloth, without being treated as the cloth. One solution is to use bones instead of the cloth sim, but I want a realistic character because it’s going to be animated and the guy is high poly. Thanks for your help, if you have something to contribute with. :slight_smile:

Luca Rood has made some improvements to the cloth simulator which (currently) are only available in the cloth-improvements branch. If you are on windows, Sim_Piko has been regularly providing win_64 builds here: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?403880-Cloth-simulator-improvements

I had a quick (half hour or so) try with the cloth-improvements branch, and here is a quick animation:

and the blend file ( which will only work with the cloth-improvements branch - obviously :wink: ):


You can find some more information here:


Thanks! Unfortunately I use Linux Ubuntu, but thanks for the reply anyways!

Now I’ve found a way to do it! :slight_smile: I’ll just make the buttons seperate objects, then vertex parent them to the cloth. It isn’t the best solution, but works ok for what I’m trying to do. Thanks for your help Gimble, I’m hoping that Sim_piko’s features gets added internally one day.