how to use cycles nodes with particle system textures

I am getting into cycles and creating procedural texture with nodes and having a blast. I have now run into a little problem where I want to also make nodes texture for the particle system and am not able to find the switch. I can create particle textures with the UI elements but am not able to get that texture into the node editor like the normal material textures for example.

I do believe I have been able once to get particle texture with nodes but am not able to replicate it. Or I am starting to hallucinate :slight_smile:

Does anybody have a hint for me?

I found the (my) problem. In the node editor I found that I can switch between Shader, Compositing and … Texturing nodes. Once I clicked that Texturing icon, I still had to click “use nodes” and then the basic nodes appeared and I was able to start editing them.