How to get money giving my computational power to render projects for other people...

Hello,what do you think about this ?

For sure it is very interesting the idea behind the sheepit render farm,but it is also interesting to get money for those who wants to give some computational power to render projects for the other people. Do you know if there is render farm that works like this ? I will be happy to earn some money doing it… I don’t like the idea of someone that does everything alone. I like collaborative projects and I like that a lot of people earn a small amount of money than one or few people earn a lot and the majority less or nothing. So,I would like to use the computational power available,without take care of how much powerful the computers are. What I don’t understand is how the costs and earnings should be balanced so that everyone can have a small earning,both those who does not work in the computer graphic area,but they have the cpu and the gpu of their computer for sometime without working,also those who work on the cg area,that want to render a project in few time. Actually,the sheepit render farm can’t help so much the first category of persons…

Not sure there’s really a market for this sort of thing. You’ll never compete on price vs power with services like RenderStreet running on pre-cofigured S3 instances and the like. At least not without charging so little, you barely make back the electric bill. The whole appeal of SheepIt is sharing resources, so you can get render services for “free”. If you’re paying $$ for a cloud render system anyway, it’s much cheaper and and more reliable to use a traditional cloud render service that will throw it on S3 or Azure, instead of a volunteer’s home machines. seems to be nice,but it does not work with blender…

The cost estimator at PixelPlow seemed cheaper than RenderStreet’s, but RenderStreet has that monthly plan and I think it can be cheaper in some scenarios.

Have you had a look at BitWrk? There is also a discussion going on here about its latest release.

Disclaimer: As the author of BitWrk I am sure there is a market for this (the seller side is definitely not a problem), but we need to spread the word to the Blender user side. It can only work when there are lots of users. A chicken ang egg problem.