problems with cycles lighting

why is the F12 image so grainy?
first try at cycles and it don’t look good!
thanks all


TESTFALLINGBLOCKS.not working.blend (866 KB)

Increase the samples render samples (top right slider in the screenshot) until you are satisfied…by at least a factor of 10,

could you please post what pic you get?
here is what i get.
time to give up on cycles now.
don’t want to update software in the middle of a project


Why do you need to update software?

Just increase the number of samples - the graininess is caused by too few samples, the more you add, the smoother the render will be.

Also - your lighting setup is very simple and it looks like you have yet to set any real materials up - so your whole render is going to be grey even if you do get rid of the graininess.

As shown above my version is different
So I do not know, in 2.69 how to do what you say

The samples setting for 2.69 will be in the same location on the render panel, under the sampling tab as shown in OriginalSin’s screenshot (although being a later version - their screenshot has a few more settings that you wont see). Fundamentally the settings and method is exactly the same for 2.69 as for current versions.

It might be a good idea to read up a bit on cycles or watch some tutorials:


I agree that it’s not a good idea to change versions in the middle of a project, but in your spare time (or afterwards) Cycles is worth learning… you probably know that, but I had to say it.

And you aren’t alone in finding that your first attempt shows less than desired results. I found Andrew Price’s tutorials over on Blender Guru invaluable in coming to grips with Cycles lighting and materials. And it takes (at least a modicum of) an understanding of both before you’ll start getting results you like.

I started down Cycles Street about a month ago and I’m just now getting to the point where I can put together something that comes even close to photo-realistic. At first, I was reading/watching everything I could find on Cycles, but now I’m confining myself to PBR (physically-based render) materials since that’s the trend and, frankly, far better to my eye than older methods.

So, when Darth Vader calls, tell him you’re coming to the light side. :wink:

thanks guys

i see there is ANOTHER problem with cycles.
the blocks are coloured NOT grey!
but cycles does not show that.
when i go to the material button it actually says BRUSH.
just what is the problem with cycles?
have another look at my blend file
switch it to blender render and see the colours
thanks all

Cycles uses a different material system than Blender Internal. If you changed render engine after creating your scene you need to recreate your textures for cycles.

Materials created in blender render are not compatible with Cycles (or vice versa) - if you made your coloured blocks using blender render - then switched to Cycles - the materials will not be preserved and will instead default back to the standard grey material in Cycles.

I have looked at your file - and your blocks are grey/white even when rendered using Blender render. If you have assigned colour to the blocks - it isn’t showing in the file you posted.

The reason the blocks are rendering grey in Cycles is because you have not assigned any Cycles materials to them.

There is no problem with Cycles, it appears to be working exactly as designed - the problems you are having all stem from your relative inexperience with Cycles. You really need to follow the tutorials posted above as this is very much a case of trying to run before you can walk.

You get out of Cycles what you put in, simply switching to Cycles won’t automatically result in good or photo realistic renders. At the moment you have a very basic and unrealistic lighting setup, no Cycles materials and very basic rendering parameters. Your scene looks exactly as it should based on what you have input into it.

fortunately i switched the file to blender render and it worked fine
thanks everyone