VSE driver through Python

Hi Folks,
I am trying to do a script to make drivers between various transform stripe in VSE through python. I am stuck in the middle of targets.id. What target.id will make the link with Scene?

Here’s the problem:
import bpy

second = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences_all["[TR]-second"]
root = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences_all[’[TR]-root’]

drv = second.driver_add(“translate_start_x”)

#working, creating the driver

var = drv.driver.variables.new()
var.name = “transx”
var.type = “SINGLE_PROP”

#don’t know what target.id should be, tested with target.id.type as well but no luck.

target = var.targets
target.id.type = “SCENE”
target.id = bpy.data.scenes[“Scene”]
target.data_path = sequence_editor.sequences_all["[TR]-root"].translate_start_x
drv.driver.expression = ‘2 * %s’ % var.name

#code end

Error report: AttributeError: ‘bpy_prop_collection’ object has no attribute ‘id’

Please Help!

partially solved:
target = var.targets[0]
target.id_type = ‘SCENE’
target.id = bpy.data.scenes[“Scene”]


It was the blackslashes and type:

var = drv.driver.variables.new()
var.name = “transx”
var.type = “SINGLE_PROP”
target = var.targets[0]
target.id_type = ‘SCENE’
target.id = bpy.data.scenes[“Scene”]
target.data_path = “sequence_editor.sequences_all[”[TR]-root"].translate_start_x"
drv.driver.expression = ‘2 * %s’ % var.name