Would like to make a small group of ppl for blending.

Hey guys,
I know everyone is in their own world doing their own thing, but I would like to share something with you.

I’ve been doing CG for about 12 years, and although I can say my skills have improved, I haven’t been able to pull off something on my own. When I first started doing 3d things, I had just joined the Navy, and as a result I was only able to devote limited time to something I was passionate about. Now that I’m out, I’m able to dedicate more time towards blender, but may I say how difficult it is to maintain dedication on something you do solo.

It’s really disappointing how I can sit here and say that I don’t have any friends that picked up CG as a hobby. I’ve even tried to get some of my friends to blend with me, walking with them every step of the way… and they usually just give it up. So I became a member of this website, and I’ve learned alot more, but the only ppl that are interested in working with me are usually just freelancing.
I guess I’ll just ask… How exactly do you meet up with people to work on a project that you’re BOTH a part of?
Maybe its a forum that I’m missing, I don’t know.

I tried to make a topic similar to this earlier (titled “Other active 3D communities out there”), but haven’t got many results back (Thanks for nothing, guys). If you want to find more fellow Blenderites to hopefully work with, you could always try the Blender subreddit or one of the Discord groups.

can you show the page in Websters dictionary for " ppl "
this site is not a TELEPHONE and sms

I don’t know what it’s like in San Diego, but in Melbourne using Meetup.com is a good way to connect with like minded individuals.

Jump on and see if you can track down 3D animation groups. Or even just animation groups. You’ll likely find a lot of the people there will use other software, but that’s okay. You can often still collaborate and no doubt you’ll find a handful of Blender users too. And if nothing else you’ll have a group you can discuss ideas and concepts with.

Only yesterday I found out one of the main organizers of my animation group has been a Blender user for over 4 years. Had no idea!

Can you not spam question marks like an epileptic at a midnight rave? “Ppl” is obviously a shortened abbreviation for the word “people” commonly used on the internet. There are better and more polite ways to point it out to someone asking a simple and sincere question.

Thx Omnilord, that guy was just being a tool.

Forums ARE NOT sms messages on TELEPHONES