Cloth Simulation settings getting lost

There was this time where I’ve been using the Cloth Simulation when the settings under Cloth disappeared. The problem was consistent throughout objects that had the physics, fortunately to fix this what I did is to open the file in a new window and got fixed :D. Posting this because this frustrated me a lot since I’m new to these simulations and may occur to other users as well.

What do you mean ‘getting lost’ ?
The info supplied is of very little use
Do you mean the whole physics settings were not showing (were they scrolled out of view), did the cloth settings not work or just disabled or some other things ?

Show us an example

Sorry about that I didn’t have the time to get a screenshot nor do i know what triggered it. When looking under “Cloth” all it displayed was “Presets:”, that’s it, nothing else but the word and the colon.

I also find it a issue that settings arent saved with cache versions. You would need to save out a preset in order to save a settings, so you end up with tons of presets when testing. There should be a different way for this.

Perhaps testing different setups need a different workflow. Does some one know a good method?