Bevel Object Error

Hey guys,

Im trying to model a door frame, Ive drawn the profile using a bezier curve. Then using a plane , I’ve deleted the bottom edge so i can have the path for the bevel. But the thing is, when I applied the bevel object, Im not getting straight clean geometry, everything seems to be “tapered”

Any thoughts on how to fix it?
I’ve tried rotating/mirroring the profile, but i keep getting tapering geometry.

Thanks a mil :smiley:


Sounds like you might have unapplied scale. In object mode press Ctrl-A and select Scale. See if that doesn’t help things with the bevel.

Ok i got the “tapering” fixed but now im having weird calculations around the corner or the door frame, and also some issues with shading (picture to the right). Ive tried to re-calculate the normals, but nothing happened. :confused: NOTE: The weird shading goes away when i turn on Backface Culling