Daredevil attempt at Game Realism . Need feedback

Finished this Model in 5 days, all the sculpting was done in Zbrush , And the rest in blender and cycles .Rain was added with Photoshop . This is my first time using skin on a model .

Filtered Render

ambient Matcap render

actual unfiltered rendder


With regards to the rain, you probably want it to be less dense where it is between the man and the camera, to help convey a sense of depth. You could probably do this with multiple layers and masks.

for a scene like this you may need to spend some time making him look like he’s wet. It looks like this guy is dry and there is rain around him still. For scenes like this all the water makes things shiny which is an excellent tool to use. If you add shine to his face it can make for some excellent rimlighting behind him that would really make him pop out of that dark background without having to unnecesarily light everything more than you need to. additionally, you could keep him dark and light up the background with shiny wet surfaces. I think there needs to be contrast between him and the background and even in a game environment these techniques would help. Look up playthroughs of FromSoftware’s “Bloodborne” which uses global sunlamps to add tons of specular lighting to everything. It makes certain things pop out and its not necessarily shunned for its lack of realism because it artistically adds to the game environment. Watch metallic surfaces and puddles in bloodborne. Light seems to come from nowhere but it looks good and very well matches your dark eerie style seen in this piece. I hope this helps!

I might be wrong but the density of the rain might be to high. It’s so high that the rain doesn’t have any depth.
Also, i don’t know how difficult this is to fix, but the focus seems off. The rain seems focused on on the entire image, thus it looks like the rain is actually a glass frame infront of the image (which gives it no depth).
Just my opinion.

It looks good maybe too many polys if you’re trying to run it in-game runtime.