tweaking render passes without the beauty layer

Hi everyone

I was searching for a while for this, but I simply had trouble forming the right question.

I figured out how to set up my render layers in the node editor and render out different passes so that I can set them up in Photoshop. So I have two questions:

  1. I got my mist pass but it needs tweaking. Do I have to render it out everytime, or can I somehow view the mist pass in the 3D rendered viewport, so that I can get a live update of my tweakings? I tried setting up a render layer only with mist, but I still need the “Use Environment”, “Use AO” and “Use Surfaces” in order to see anything, and then I wont be able to see how the mist layer changes, well not very well at least.

  2. I found where to tweak the mist, but where can I tweak Z depth and the Emission?

Thanks!! :slight_smile:

Okay I solved it myself by luckily finding a video that showed it.

If I use Compositing Nodes and add a Render layer, then a Viewer, check Backdrop and Auto Render, I can get a quick preview.

Aaand I found the z depth tweak settings in the camera settings, in the properties panel, while having the camera selected.