Bgmc 24 - efwtc

This game is very very simple. Something one room, one man… The player will be pressed to save your character from the dangers of a room…

Brief pictures The player will be pressed to save your character from the dangers of a room

This is an image from two days ago. My game will go into BGE and world history.


This is an image from two days ago. My game will go into BGE and world history.

Much more has already been done, the mystery will remain until the end of the competition
Much more has already been done, the mystery will remain until the end of the competition

Finished my game. Sorry, I do not know if I can participate in the competition, I ended up excluding the .blend1 that was on my pen drive. I thought it was the .blend, but there’s a difference between the two.
Link for download:

Tha name of game is. EFWTC (Escape from water torture cell), but now is: EFCWTC (Escape from chinese water torture cell) trick of Harry Houdini.