Need Help with Hard Edges and Smooth Faces

I’m working on putting together a model of the USS Arizona Memorial and I’m having trouble with the shape. As is, I’ve gotten much of the basic shape down, but the top and sides aren’t as smooth/curved as I’d like.

I tried using the SubSurf modifier and it worked for making the top and sides smooth, but then the windows lose their angular shape, and using Mean Crease doesn’t seem to do anything.

Any suggestions? I’ve learned from some time on here that 9/10 of my problems on Blender are something super simple that I somehow manage to overlook, so I love that there’s a forum where I can see what I overlooked.

You need control edges to hold the tension in the corners. So the end of an edge has to nestle up to the vertex where the corner is for smoothing not to make it web out. Some areas this is going to be trickier than others.

As for mean crease? It does modify smoothing tension, but perhaps not in the way you’d think. It mostly helps where there are folding edges. However open holes in Blender are already treated as a mean crease of 1 around their perimeter. (And they’re not exactly an edge where a fold occurs.) If you had an N-gon face covering those same holes, then its difference would be notable.

Windows solved! But now, after I apply a Solidify modifier, I’m getting these weird artifacts/geometry around some corners and faces.

Aside from this, would there possibly be another way to smooth the curving of the faces on the structure?