Vertex groups (NOT the vertices) must be deleted one at a time?

If I have 30 vertex groups and I want to delete 20 of them I would repeat the following action 20 times? …delete a Vertex Group by first making it the active group (select it in the panel) and then LMB the Remove button (-) at the right Panel border.
My bigger question is really… since vertex groups and bones are closely related, and bones can be parented etc… into hierarchies, are there any hierarchy mechanisms for vertex groups? Thanks ahead! :slight_smile:

I did find this, but I think it only helps manage the vertices associated with the groups, not the groups?

There’s an easy-to-miss dropdown menu which gives you a few more options.

As for your second question, there isn’t a way to create parent/children relationships between vertex groups, but you could use a prefix system and sort by name. That might be more trouble than it’s worth, though.

Keep in mind you can always automate anything with python

Such information has little to no value for any artist who isn’t experienced with scripting and/or programming. Mastering scripting at a level required to use it effectively takes usually so much time of daily practice that one has to give up a bit of skill improvement on the artistic front. That’s why you only extremely rarely see people who are extraordinary artists and good scripters/programmers at the same time.

So such suggestion would be generally avoided, as they are, by many people, albeit wrongly, translated as implication that “we don’t need better usability because we have scripting”. If you really want to help a person, then better post a script and roughly describe how it was assembled, rather than making such simple suggestion without any real value.

I mean if there’s a person who’s new to Blender or needs help because deadline is very close and time is running out, such a person will hardly dig into python and learn it in an hour to solve his issue.