How to animate looped cycles/actions in/out of entire animation

Hi all,

Pretty much a complete newbie to animation. I’ve completed a walk cycle with attached character. I want to animate a scene where he walks into shot in mid-distance (which is what i’ve so far achieved), notices the viewer, stops, then walks towards camera. I intuitively thought when i looped the walk cycle action i would still be able to access the final looped key frames, in the dope sheet, so when he came to the end of the intitial walk into shot i’d be able to animate him coming to standstill/turning head to camera. If anyone can advise or point me to some videos/information on how i should approach this , i’d be extremely grateful. What i’m basically asking is how do you animate into, out of, and around looped actions within an animated scene.

Many thanks in advance



BG_Borg_advert.blend (1.19 MB)Borg_complete_Mar_17.blend (5.05 MB)

Okay you need to study up on the Action Editor and the NLA…