Stroll on a desert

This is a fun project I’ve been working on, finally managed to get it finished, I have to say volumetrics took too much time to get the desired result and render…

I like mixing reality with dreamy aspects… this time took me to a stroll on a desert… :slight_smile:
you can also see it at

this is the scene, from top view and ortho.


very nice concept and render.

thanks glad you liked it : )

I’d recommend adding a heterogenous shell around those clouds! After you create the mesh shells themselves, you input a point density texture with the vertices of the original cloud, then distort the texture coordinates with a noise texture.
It can add a really cool, realistic feel to your clouds!

thanks for your suggestion, surely it’d make it look more random and realistic, if only I knew how to set up work flow you mention, can you described it a bit more please, thanks

I really dig it, but I do feel like the Horizon needs something,… to be broken up? Rocks? receding hills? I’d almost put it on my wall, well even with the horizon, I’d probably do it.

Besides the concept, I love the colours! Very pleasant piece- i think you did pretty well with the volumetrics :slight_smile:

thanks for the comment, I wanted to keep it as bold as possible with the focus in the front subjects, however yes perhaps it is lacking something in the for end

thanks a lot for the comment, I’m glad you liked it and the colours. If only, the volumetrics consume less computing power :wink: