the Workshop - water color with blenders compositor, #tradigital

This is a depiction of a modern artists desk with lots of traditional and digital art supplies being scattered all over the table. And as you’d probably assume in this community, everything about this piece is 100% made in blender, including the water color painting.
A video, that explains the how i did this is available on YouTube.

This piece is dedicated to my good freind Pia (or Patricia, if you like). She’s probably the most skilled and most struggeling 2D-artist, that i know and she is a huge fan of the YouTube-channel DrawWithJazza! So I thohgt it’d be a great suprize, if her birthday present (wich is this artwork) appeared in a competition of her favorite channel, so this is actually a entry to the April 2017 Competition of this channel and the topic was tradigital.
Btw.: the lighting had no chance of being so good without filmic blender, I do really appreciate this addon!
Any feedback is welcome and I hope you guys enjoy it…
Check out Artstation for some breakdowns