sun>ray shadow penatration issue

The sun light option >Ray Shadow can create some very nice and sharp shadows in open landscape. Eg a simple character who receives the sun light from one side, will taken on a very cool look, - half in shadow, half in light.

However!, if I place the characters and the sun inside a building with 4 walls and a roof, in order to get the same effect of contrast, - everything gets totally dark and the nice effect described above, disappears, EVEN IF I place the sun light source INSIDE the building NEXT to the characters so that there are no meshes/walls between light and character- then I tried to turn the material of the walls and roof to “translucency 100 procent” but that doesnt help either.

Obviously, I could place the sun and the characters in the same layer and choose the sun only to render this layer, and afterwards I could render the building layer. but is there an easier solution? so that the SUN light ray… can atually ignore a mesh/typically a wall?

Sun position have no effect whatsoever. Only rotation matters. The sun is infinitely far away in the direction given by its orientation.
Translucency shader only provide diffuse shading to backfaces.

Allow light to enter the building through windows. Check first with simply deleting the glass pane. Then add glass pane with “isShadowRay -> Mix Shader with glass setup in slot 1 and transparency shader in slot 2” setup.


Also, why not shoot the illuminated subject on a blank stage (sitting on a light-catcher with a seperate object-ID), then shoot the building separately, then comp the two together?

You don’t have to create a complicated situation if you can much-more-quickly fake it well enough! :yes:

to sundialsvc4… well, eventually I will have to do it like this… I guess, but its an animation and I have many other scenes,I begin to lose the big picture… would therefore prefer to have only one file por scene :slight_smile: