Want to create a very simple Python Script in Blender

Ok I am new to Python in Blender and I also been learn Python3 trying on the side
What I am looking for is just very simple thread of knowledge useing Python 3.5.2 as the tool that I can see visually so I can start to slowly string these small ideas together
Ok that in mind
First part
I would like to know step by step how to create this very simple idea Short goal is to create one vertice point to be visible on the center of the 0,0,0 X,Z,Y axis grid Then I would run this python script to do that 3 more time at same center axis 0,0,0 location
Second part
Then useing Python programming commands move each one of the vertice points one by one until they are on the 3d grid in a shape of a 4 points to soon make a square polygon
Third Part
Then I can ether use mouse and click each point to select them
Or can use Python programming to select each of them
Fourth Part
Yes Pythoone pramgramming to create a single polygon of the those 4 selected points
Is this possible? And please help step by step I am really trying to grasp this

This sounds like it would be possible with the bmesh library. There’s some example code in the two links below.

If you need the absolute basics, you might be better off starting with Witold’s tutorial:

Another question is, why do you actually want to do this? This is not the way we usually write scripts.

If you want to create four vertices at the corners of a rectangle, just create each of them at its position. If you want to make a face over them, you don’t have to select anything: just tell Python the four vertices to connect. Obviously, you need to remember them somehow as you create them.

Assuming you know for-loops, you can easily turn these two steps into five lines of code:

my_vertices = list()
for x, y in [(0, 0), (5, 0), (5, 7), (0, 7)]:
    newly_created_vertex = bm.verts.new((x, y, 0))

(Note that there are two parentheses after bm.verts.new.)
If you read up on list comprehensions, you can squeeze the code above to a single line:

bm.faces.new(bm.verts.new((x, y, 0)) for x, y in [(0, 0), (5, 0), (5, 7), (0, 7)])

To make it actually edit Blender data, you need a bit of extra magic on the top:

import bpy
import bmesh
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(bpy.context.active_object.data)

…and in the bottom:


Copy the three pieces of code into Text editor in the correct order, go to Edit mode on some object and check that it works.

Oh man I must have miss the feedback for you guys thanks so much I never got any email back saying anyone respond I am so glad I check in I will pick up tomorrow Sunday April 30
and try all You nice people share again my apolgiges