vertices not moving after unwrapp

after i unwrap my mesh i cant move any vertices unless i add in another shape or make other mesh changes (aside from grab and move) such as extrude, or merging, or subdivide ect… and after i make those changes i delete them since i only do those to “fix” the problem but once those changes are deleted i’m back to not being able to move vertices. if i keep those changes i still have to unwrap the mesh so…

i already tried the changing the z scale and toggling the keep UV and edit mode selection in sync as well ( the only solutions i found so far for something closely related to this which still didn’t work for me personally.)

any ideas?:spin:

Is this happening in a particular blend file? Or is it something that occurs with any model you’re editing?

it could be “Global Undo” in “User Preferences” under “Editing” is Disabled. if this is the case, then your operator will be grayed out.

it could also be the Snap feature, the little magnet icon at the bottom of the window space.