Texture painting without overlap (tried spacemouse)

I’m trying to texture paint a “hair cap” onto a 3d model of a head (to use as a base for my hair meshes). I need a uniform paint across the whole scalp area as a base. I have “Accumulate” unchecked, and it doesn’t overwrite within the brush stroke. The problem comes when I have to turn the head to continue painting - I get “seams” where the brush overlaps the previous stroke. (or streaks where it doesn’t quite match).

I thought I would be clever and use my 3dconnexion spacemouse to turn the head. However, blender doesn’t recognize that the head turned until I release the button and start a new stroke.

Anyone have hints on painting without overdraw when needing to turn the model?

Well, low and behold, there are different drawing modes. Click on the “brush”, and you can change it to a smear mode, and you can clean up those lines really quickly.

If you want a flat even colour while you paint, you can set your strength to full and turn off pressure sensitivity. If you need a clean edge, then set the curve shape to square. The last preset on the right of the curve section.

If you want to paint both sides of a symmetrical mesh simultaneously, you can go to options on the tool shelf. Look for the “project paint” section. Just uncheck occlude, cull and normal. This will allow you to paint “through”. So make sure you’re in orthographic view to keep it accurate. When you’re happy, check occlude, cull and normal again to paint normally.