[THOUGHTS] Correct Blooming

I just had a thought about a simple thing - blooming.

First let’s look at what exactly is bloom(or where it comes from). Bloom is an effect that you see when atmosphere slightly scatters light, making it appear partially blurred. This effect is really small(it adds up with air density, actually), and as it’s so small, it actually doesn’t blur your sight. However, you can see this blurry halo around lights. Why? This is because lights are much brighter than environment, and…

THE BIG MISTAKE when creating bloom filters is to use additive blending. It’s totally physically incorrect. There can’t appear even more light at those bright parts. It’s correct to use mix blending. If the light source is, let’s say, 50 times brighter than the environment around it and the mix factor is, for example, 0.1, than you get those surrounding pixels to be 10.9+500.1 = 5.9 which is noticeably brighter. And this naturally creates realistic bloom. However, to use this feature correctly, you need UPBGE’s HDR feature, otherwise it’s really difficult to make this.

I hope that this thought helps you to make bloom look better.

the penguin Adrian!:slight_smile: