how to remove black parts? qn

hello, this is my first time that ive ever used blender,
this is what ive done:

(i was trying to do this: xD)
so i think ive finished so i wanna take a screnshoot but, on the side view everything is black:

how can i remove it?


Is there any light illuminating the sides of your object ?. If the single lamp is pointing vertically down then it would not light up the sides.

For support questions ALWAYS supply a link to your .blend file for review

what lamp?

thats the file :c

its a bit messed up btw

can someone edit it to make it look a bit more better?

Why did you change the ambient colour in the world settings ? Changing it to a very light colour without reducing the ambient shading in the material will make everything too bright.

In the properties panel under Display you have enabled ‘Only Render’. Turn this off so you can adjust the non renderable objects such as lights.

For basic lighting, adjust the lights so they illuminate the object how you want.

Your blend file does not contain any textures (use File / External Data menu to pack textures into blend file)

i didnt want to change it a nd idk how to change it back now.

where’s display?

how do i adjust the lights?

sorry D:

i th ink thats the file with all :

i think you’re gonna give up trying to help me xd

Most people have things to do so can’t respond instantly.

As for lighting, this might help:

You might also want to watch the tutorial from part1 if you want to get some of the basics down.