Time Broke

I want you guys to ascend on me the most brutal critics and sincerely what could be tweaked.

If a spring of that size broke the clock, it should not only throw away legs and glass, but also smaller cogs. These should be way up in the air (easier weight = longer travel) . Also, the square things I assume are the handles to change time or set the watch. Then I think the one that are high in the air is misplaced. You could keep the height, but it should be slightly behind the back of the cogs. It would be pressed backwards of the force… not forward or straight up. Other than that I can’t think of anything strange or odd. Good picture btw :).

I like the motion, we can feel it without the need for motion blur. The spring is bending in an odd way especially in the 3rd loop from the outside. The metal shouldn’t bend in that direction so brutally, and generally the loops should keep an elliptical shape, which doesn’t seem to be the case in the 2nd loop from the outside. I haven’t seen a clock like this break for real but I’m personally not sure this kind of spring would break it as dramatically as MagicGlow says. But again I’m no expert. Now to me what this is missing is more details, materials, lighting work and environment (and more edge loops to the springs, we can see the polygons.