Could someone critique my doggo?

Hi everyone! I just finished this dog. I’m fairly new to modeling and I’m not really sure how to properly model optimized fur. Please let me know how I could make it better!

I definitely messed up on the fur. You can see around the face that the extruded fur looks square, but it’s supposed to be transparent. I should have been more careful not to paint to the edges I guess.

Also, I did the fur the same as clothing, by duplicating the body and fattening it. Is that an okay way to do it, or is there a better way?

Thanks everyone!

It depends on the goal of the project,this might work in a low poly game, like some of the old Zeldas. I guess you need to adjust your alpha, or alpha adjustment in textures, or in the original png for the fur. you might try pulling on some vertices too to give you tufts if that helps in your optimization process.