Bevel Modifier - Artifacts at L-Sections

Hi Blenderartists!

I´m having trouble with the Bevel Modifier used on a H-like mesh.
I blocked the mesh with a simple cube shape (see attached file #01) and added a subdiv modifier (set to 2) and a bevel modifier, just the basic one but with 5 segments (that hasn´t anything to do with the problem).

In the preview everything looks okay, but as soon as I render it, I got weird shading artifacts at L-sections (see attached file #02).

Any EASY idea how to get rid of that? I tried using the weights, but when I turn off the weight of some edges, they get in trouble with the subdiv modifier (open edges), so I don´t know what to do… :confused:

Thanks for any advice!

Bevel modifier follows edge flow so you need to do a bit of extra work for some areas.

So I need to add edge loops at creases/L-sections?