Calm pool water

I am going to be making a back yard pool scene. I would like to make the water in the pool as realistic as possible using nodes. In the scene I want to make the water as calm as possible without any major ripples. If anyone knows of any good nodes setups I would love to see the setup. I’ll be using cycles for the final render.


Simple glass shader perhaps with a slight volumetric absorbtion should be sufficient.

Fresnel mixing glossy (bottom) with either transparency or refraction (top). Gives you better control than just glass. In addition I would do another mix shader after that controlled by lightpath/isShadowRay with stuff already mentioned in top slot and a transparency shader in the bottom slot. The transparency shader can be controlled with a caustics texture map for darkening and brightening, but this could easily become horribly advanced. I would try the volume absorption, if it appears to matter within reasonable densities (depends on the scene), I would keep it.