Using Python 101 in Blender

Ok using Python Console or Text Edtior
Open up a defult scene
where I have camera , cube , lamp

what are the steps in deleselect the cube?

So I can get ready to select cube again or the lamp or camera

bpy.ops.object.select_all(action=‘TOGGLE’) # This will deselect all selected objects
bpy.ops.object.select_pattern(pattern=‘Cube’) # This will select the object named ‘Cube’. Replace the string ‘Cube’ to select a different object, e.g. ‘Lamp’

You can also manually change the selections without using the python operators.[‘Cube’].select = False # To deselect the cube[‘Lamp’].select = True # To select the lamp

I hope that helps.

Yes Thanks and this time I check to make sure I am subscribed for receive an email and subscribed
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but at this time until I get real Comfort it all about selecting and deselecting

jordan001 I try this out and get back to this thread

Ok here is just selecting the cube

import bpy # speak to belnders API using python


this will deselect the defult cube


this should select the camera


this will deselect the camera


this will select the lamp


this will deselect the lamp


this will select the defult cube